Access Your Certificate of Insurance
View and download your Certificate of Insurance.

Certificate of Insurance
AMTA Professional, Graduate and Student members can now view and download their certificate of insurance forms in PDF format.
Members can easily save or print a PDF copy of their certificate of insurance. Newly added: members can now email a PDF copy of their certificate of insurance to whomever they choose.
Once you have logged into your account, choose "Download certificate of insurance" from the main account page.
What does AMTA’s Massage Liability Insurance Cover?
While many massage therapist purchase insurance specifically for the professional liability insurance benefit it affords, the great news is that AMTA’s massage insurance for Professional and Graduate members includes a broad set of coverage.
What does Massage Liability Insurance cover?
Coverage for Massage Therapy Students
Student members can obtain affordable professional and general liability insurance for school-sponsored or sanctioned activities while they are still a student.
Students can join AMTA for free. Upon graduation, students may renew as a Graduate member to enjoy AMTA’s Professional and General Liability Insurance.
Do You Need to Add an Additional Insured?
An additional insured is when someone such as an Entity, Landlord, or Organization other than the AMTA member, has an insurable interest in the liability risk.
Adding an entity or organization to your coverage as an additional insured provides coverage to them for their vicarious liability arising out of your actions while rendering professional services as a massage therapist.
AMTA makes it easy to add an additional person or organization to your AMTA liability policy for no extra charge.
Log into your AMTA account and choose "Add additional insured" from the main account page.
Massage therapy liability insurance is also offered by organizations including Massage Magazine and the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). AMTA is consistently rated the most trusted name in massage therapy by massage therapists and consumers.